Teachers’ Day!

Better than Christmas, Valentine’s Day, and my 2013 birthday haul combined: Teachers’ Day. A day where parents treat the teachers who help instill good judgement, book learnin’ and common sense into their malleable little ones; a day where students behave moderately better and brown nose their way into their teacher’s, er, heart with sweets and handmade cards.

Today was definitely a “better than most” kind of day. It started off with presents from Dior and Lancôme… and ended with gifts of wine, department store sunscreen, and vitamins. Our boss bought all of the teachers a couple of boxes of pizza and sodas and his wife presented us with tri-colored songpyeon (rice cakes). After all of this goodness, I went on a short 4 mile run to Cheonan’s newly opened Mexican restaurant, Cantina, to have dinner and drinks with Steph and Ric. Let’s just say that this teacher is feeling pretty good right now… ^^

Yes, those are all for me. Insanity.

Yes, those are all for me. Insanity.

Either the most epic translation fail of all time or just a slap in the face.

Either the most epic translation fail of all time or just a slap in the face.

This is pure awesomeness. 단 단 단 다, 단 단 단 다...

This card is pure awesomeness. 단 단 단 다, 단 단 단 다…

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